Tuesday, September 17, 2013

First Post


I am going to be posting information about I-75 between I-74 and Covington on this blog. I believe that Cincinnati has a once in a generation opportunity to reverse some of the damage done when the highway was built. The basic idea that this blog will promote can be summed up as highways do not belong in central cities. There are a number of projects going on along I-75 in this region. 

Connect the Blocks - Fort Washington Way Park design
Western Hills Viaduct Reconstruction/Replacement Project
I-75 Mill Creek Expressway
River Road/US 50

My current thought can be summed up in these two maps. (Source from Open Street Maps)

Current highway layout. 

Proposal from Move The Mill Creek Blog

Basically, this plan moves the highway into an under used flood plane freeing up space for the growth of downtown. 

I would love to hear your thoughts - did I miss a project? Blog format suggestions? You have a plan? Think I have a dumb idea? Let me know below.